相羽 直樹

(Naoki Aiba)



1961 名古屋生まれ

1981 愛知学院大学歯科技工専門学校を卒業

    名古屋市の院内ラボ、NT デンタルラボラトリーに勤務

1986 東海歯科技工士学校、ポーセレンコースを終了


            Dr. Frank Celenzaグループの院内ラボに勤務

1989 International Society for Dental Ceramicsの開催する

    “Young Speaker of the YearAward”を受賞

    Science Artを設立

1990年  アメリカ合衆国公認歯科技工士免許を取得

1992   Oral Designのメンバーとなる

▪️ 世界30カ国以上でセラミック、歯科写真、歯科医師と歯科技工士間のコミュニケーションに 関する講演実習会、論文発表を行っている。


▪️ セラミストとして活躍する一方、写真家としての顔を持つ。五か国で個展を開催。雑誌、テ レビ、広告、カレンダーなどで紹介されている写真は、世界中の人々を魅了している。


▪️ 現在、ラボ(Science Art, Inc.)で臨床に取り組み、世界各地で歯科医師・歯科技工士向け の実習会プログラム、DENTSCAPE Continuumを開催している。 


A ceramist and professional photographer, born in Nagoya, Japan. Naoki Aiba, CDT graduated from the Dental Technology Program at the Dental School of Aichi Gakuin University in Nagoya, Japan in 1982, and completed the post-graduate ceramics course at the Tokai Dental Technicians School in 1986.


He received the “Young Speaker of the Year Award” by the International Society for Dental Ceramics in 1989. In 1992, Mr. Willi Geller selected Mr. Aiba to be a member of Oral Design. He has lectured, conducted hands-on courses, and published in more than 30 countries on ceramics, dental photography, and dentist-laboratory communications. Mr. Aiba currently serves as a technical advisory board for the Monterey-Salinas Study Club, and a member of the editorial board for QDT.

He is also an award winning landscape photographer. His photography has been featured in travel magazines, calendars, dental catalogues, and TV shows around the world.


He maintains his laboratory, Science Art, Inc., specializing in high-esthetic ceramic works in Monterey, California. He instructs comprehensive hands-on program, DENTSCAPE Continuum, designed for experienced dental technicians and dentists at his teaching facility, Oral Design Center Monterey. 




「DENTSCAPE: コミニュケーションツールとしての歯科写真」





 デジタルカメラの普及で、写真撮影は身近になってきた。しかし、補綴物製作のために審美要素を的 確に伝える歯科写真となると、歯科医師・歯科技工士の多くは、うまく撮影・活用できずにいるのが 現状のようである。

 この講演では、次の3つに焦点をあて、コミニュケーションツールとしての歯科写真の基本、撮影法、 活用法をかみ砕いて説明する。


1. 歯科医師と歯科技工士が知っておくべき写真の基礎知識

2. 顔面写真の撮影法と正中線、切縁平面の分析
3. シェード写真の撮影法とシェードの考察





Lecture title

DENTSCAPE: Dental Photography for Dentist - Laboratory Communication





Keywords: Basic knowledge of photography, facial view, analysis of midline and incisal plane, analysis of shade

The advancement of digital cameras made photography more popular than ever. However, many dentists and dental technicians are still struggling to photograph images which precisely convey esthetic elements for fabrication of restorations.


In this presentation, Naoki Aiba, CDT will address the following three points to explain the fundamental of dental photography as a communication tool, photographing methods, and applications.


1. Basic knowledge of photography that dentists and dental technicians should know

2. Method of photographing facial view, and analysis of midline and incisal plane

3. Method of photographing shade photos, and analysis of shade


Numerous clinical case examples will be discussed to illustrate how the photographic information was materialized into ceramic restorations.