森田 誠

(Makoto Morita)


1972年 京都市生まれ

1993年 京都歯科医療技術専門学校卒

1993年 岡部歯科医院勤務

1998年 北山茂野歯科医院勤務

2003年 京都 歯立屋 設立

2017年 7月Willi Geller氏にメンバー加盟を許される

2017年 8月oral design KYOTOに社名変更



バーレン(現 彩雲) oral design コース終了


1972  Born in Kyoto

1993  Graduated from Kyoto College of Dental Hygienists & Technicians

1993  Worked for Okabe Dental Clinic

1998  Worked for Kitayama Shigeno Dental Office

2003  Established Kyoto Shitateya

2017  Became Oral Design member

2018  Established oral design KYOTO


Completed Osaka Ceramic Training Center


Completed oral design SAIUN course    
















Lecture title

“Doing the Best for Smiles”



Keyword: Communication with patients

For 25 years since I became a dental technician, I strived to improve my skills desiring “I want to make a full mouth reconstruction case like what Mr. Geller makes.”

Two years ago, I encountered a patient who changed the way I think.  By that time, I was able to make the restorations with decent shade and shape.  When fabricating the restorations, it is normal for us to consider shade, morphology, tissue contour, tooth arrangement, smileline, and etc.  However, this patient changed me to think “what he or she want” from their point of view rather than our point of view.   I felt it is very important to understand what they want, and respect it, and support it to make modifications on the restorations.  As a result, the patient finally can smile – dentists and dental technicians should feel it as a pleasure - this is the success of the treatment.  

Therefore, I would like to share with next generation technicians the pleasure for fulfilling patient’s desires through communicating effectively.