長谷川 輝樹

(Luke Hasegawa)


1974年 新潟市生まれ

1995年 新潟大学歯学部附属歯科技工士学校卒業

1997年 東京医科歯科大学附属歯科技工士学校修了 

1998年 カナダ ブリティッシュコロンビア州に渡る。

2006年 渡米 フロリダ州

2007年 アメリカ合衆国公認歯科技工士免許を取得

2009年   Oral Designのメンバーとなる

2010年   Ozark Prosthodontist Dr.McNeel の院内ラボに勤務








Luke Hasegawa, CDT

 Luke Hasegawa, CDT, graduated from Japan’s prestigious Niigata Dental University for Dental Technicians in 1995, and completed a program at Tokyo Dental and Medical University for Dental Technicians in 1997.   

He received the “Special Article Award” by the International Dental Technology Association in 1997 for his published article “Light Transmitted Porcelain and Composite Resin Material”, Additional honors include three gold medal awards from the Florida Dental Association smile competition in 2008. 

 He has had the privilege of being mentored by world pioneer technicians Mr. Willi Geller and Mr. Naoki Aiba. Luke was invited to join Mr. Geller's Oral Design group in 2009.


 In 1998 he immigrated to Canada from Japan as a dental technologist and now work in Dr,Dean McNeel’s in-house lab since 2010.  He resides with his wife and two daughters in Fayetteville Arkansas in United State.














Lecture title

”My porcelain build up technique using CREATION porcelain. ”




Keywords: Opacity control,Opal control 


If the value control of the anterior restorations can not be approached in the patient's mouth. It will be forced to reproduce with high probability.  I still feel that it is a challenging task for dental technicians.


I would like to introduce my porcelain build up based on the value of transmitted light for the difference in transparency of individual porcelain powder with creation porcelain. In this lecture, I will explain two themes and the clinical case.


1.Consideration of the opacity level of each company's Dentin using a transmitted light measuring instrument.

2. How to control the opal effect strongness and weakness.