2005年 大田(テジョン)保健大学教卒業
2009年 大阪セラミックトレーニングセンター 外国人コース修了
2013年 `The tooth designer`出版
2014年 Willi geller Hands on courseの修了(Oral design Seoul symposium)
2015年 SKCD technician courseの修了
Creation Korea Instructor
Park Sungchul 歯科勤務
2005 Graduated from Daejeon Health College
2009 Completion of the Osaka Ceramic Training Center foreing course
2012 ` The tooth designer ` publication
2014 Completion of the Willi geller Hands on course
2015 Completion of the SKCD technician course
Creation Korea Instructor
Park Sungchul dental clinic work
「Clinical case by collaboration 」
keyword: 調和した形と色の再現。・掃除性、歯周組織と調和した形の再現。Anterior GuidanceとVertical Stopの付与
1. 顔貌と唇、調和した形と色の再現
2. 掃除性、subgingival contour(歯肉縁下)などの歯周組織と調和した形の再現
3. longevityを取るためのAnterior GuidanceとVertical Stopの付与
などを考慮して補綴物を製作しなければならない。 そのためには患者さんの顔貌、唇と調和される歯の長さ、形、色の情報伝達、subgingival contour(歯肉縁下)まで再現された印象、陶材の築城が十分に可能な削除量
など 歯科技工士と歯科医師、歯科衛生士間の共同作業が必要だと思う。
성공적인 심미보철치료를 위해 기공사는
1. 안모와 입술, 조화로운 형태와 색 재현
2. 청소성, 치은연하형태등 치주조직과 조화를 이룰 수 있는 형태 재현
3.longevity 를 위한 Anterior Guidance와 Vertical Stop 부여
등을 고려하여 보철물을 제작해야 할 것이다. 그러기 위해서는 환자안모,입술과 조화되는 치아의 길이,형태,색등의 정보전달과 치은연하까지 채득된 인상, 포세린이 축성이 충분한 지대치 삭제량등
기공사와 의사, 위생사간의 협업이 필요하다고 생각한다.
이번 강의에서는 임상증례를 통해 협업의 중요성에 대해 말하고자 한다.
Lecture title
「Clinical case by collaboration 」
To make a successful aesthetic prosthetic treatment, dental technicians have to consider the facts as followings :
1. Faces and lips, harmonious forms and mimic the colour
2. Cleansing, subgingival coutour and balanced shapes between soft tissue and the posthetic
3. fabricate the prosthetics with considering an anterior guidance and Vertical Stops for a longevity.
To satisfied this we also need such as a decent impression with sub-gingival margin, enough build up space for ceramists and the teamworks among dentists, dental technician and dental hygienists on the top of previous facts mentioned. In this lecture speaker wants to mention the importance of the teamwork with his clinical cases.
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