橋中 知之(Tomoyuki Hashinaka)
1994年 鳥取市歯科技工専門学校卒業
2001年 大阪セラミックトレーニングセンター
2003年 SJCDテクニシャンコース
2007年 Baren Oral Design Course
2009年 Oral Design Osaka Course
2009年 KEN Oral Design Course
2012年 Willi Geller 臨床実習コース
2015年 Willi Geller Hands on Course
株式会社 Tottori Dental Technology
所属スタディグループ 青谷会
Tomoyuki Hashinaka, RDT
1994 Graduated Tottori Dental Technician’s School
2001 Graduated Osaka Ceramic Training Center
2003 Completed SJCD Technician Course
2007 Baren Oral Design Course
2009 Oral Design Osaka Course
2009 KEN Oral Design Course
2012 Willi Geller Clinical Hands-on course
2015 Willi Geller Hands on Course
Currently works at Tottori Dental Technology
Member of a Study Group Aoyakai
フレーム製作と歯冠色製作法 」
Key word : 正中及び切縁ポジションの設定・フレーム選択法
Lecture title
“Framework Design for Proper Midline
and Incisal Position and Porcelain Application”
Keywords: Designing midline and incisal edge position, Criteria for framework selection
In the fabrication of restorations, it is crucial to design a midline and incisal edge position that harmonizes with the face in provisional restoration, and to reproduce them in the final restorations. Especially, we pay great attention to establish the mesial incisal corners of the central incisors, which is most crucial as it serves as a guideline for the function and aesthetic.
This lecture addresses the criteria for framework selection to design the midline and incisal edge position in the final restorations, and the points in shade matching in various types of frameworks.
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